Cart totals
Subtotal | $970.00 |
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Shipping to Victoria. Vintage Brass Coat Hook, 4b ×1 |
Shipping 2 |
Shipping to Victoria. CONCRETE STATUE - Kissing Cupid Couple (No.2), 3v ×1, DINING CHAIR - Synthetic Weave, Sloped Arms by Satara, Espresso, (No.8) k1 ×1, Outdoor Dining Chair - Synthetic Weave, Closed Base by Satara, Grey, (No.10) k1 ×1, Ducted Heating and Cooling System, York and Lennox Units, 2a ×1, DINING CHAIR - Tan Brown Weave with Timber Legs by Satara, (No.6) k1 ×1, DINING CHAIR - Contemporary with Sloped Edge by Satara, Grey, (No.5) k1 ×1, Original Pair of Sash Window Weights 375mm long, 3g1 ×1 |
Total | $982.00 |